Andrew’s Ruby Black BMW 335i – Full Paint Restoration

Andrew was lucky enough to recently purchase a used BMW 335i in the individual colour, Ruby Black. This is a stunning colour, black with a hint of red metallic throughout the paint. However you wouldn’t know as the previous owner had treated the car to a life of paint abuse at the hands of automatic carwashes, leaving the paint swirled, scratched and hazy. Crimes against such beautiful cars should be punishable by being forced to live a life of driving boring cars! Luckily Andrew was able to see the potential and brought the car to us for a full paint correction and leather treatment package to get the car looking as good as new.

The car had years of brake dust caked on, water marks and plenty of swirls! Just the kind of challenge we love.

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

We started with the wheels, using a series of wheel safe cleaners to brake down the grime on the wheels:

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

Being sure to thoroughly clean all the spokes:

2007 BMW 335i

It was then time to move onto the rest of the car:

2007 BMW 335i

Not forgetting in-between the badges:

2007 BMW 335i

Remember never use the same brush for wheels and paint. We have different buckets, brushes and cloths for wheels entirely, being certain to never mix them up!

Its easy to paint correct a car. Attack it with some sandpaper, gradually moving up in grade, compound then finishing polish. This is not how we do things however, as we would prefer to remove as little material as possible in order to keep the integrity of the clear-coat intact. As was once said, “Detailers get paid not for what they remove, but for what they leave”. Aggressive polishing over the lifetime of a vehicle can result in clear-coat erosion, resulting in requiring a costly respray! Not what we want.

To do this, we mask the car into different sections, and start using different polishes to see what works best, starting with the mildest and gradually moving up in grades. Having a wide variety of polishes and pads is vital. With dozens of combinations of pad and polish at hand, we can deal with absolutely every scenario!

2007 BMW 335i

Here you can see the corrected vs. the uncorrected side:

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

A huge difference and you can see the tinge of ruby red now.

Onto the boot:

2007 BMW 335i

Corrected and uncorrected side:

2007 BMW 335i

We then went on to paint correct the rest of the car, and then moved onto the interior:

2007 BMW 335i

Looking much better, and all UV protected to prevent further sun damage:

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

Pure Gloss!

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

To lock in the beautiful gloss finish, the car was treated with Opti-Coat paint protection resulting in a stunning shine to enhance the perfectly corrected paint finish:

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

2007 BMW 335i

Job’s like this take time to ensure quality, with over 30 hours of work on this car! However, as our name suggests, we are ‘obsessed’ with perfection and we’re sure you’ll agree that the results are well worth it.

We specialise in these kinds of restorative details. So if you’ve just bought a used car, or feel your current car isn’t looking as good as it should, send us an email at to find out how we can make your car look blindingly reflective!

Now all Andrew needs is to finish the car off with a VMR Wheel and Tyre package from our friends at Euro1Concept, and possibly an Agency Power exhaust system to unleash the glorious roar of the twin turbo 3.0 6 cylinder engine. Email and tell them O.C.D sent you!